Taiwan Jhuang-Wei Elementary School Harmonica Performance



     The school’s harmonica team was established in 1993 by teachers Lu Honglin and Jian Qiongying. The Members of the team range from second to sixth grade. With the support of other teachers as well, learning to play the harmonica has become a fashion. Musical sounds from the instrument can be heard throughout the school at all times of the day. 

     In the past ten years, the harmonica team has received excellent ratings from various performances. The team frequently represents Yilan County to participate in both national and international competitions, where they’ve won awards and even won first place in the county and national competition. The team has travelled to Hangzhou, Singapore, and Germany to participate in worldwide harmonica competitions.

In 2017, the harmonica team also won first place in Yilan County’s Elementary School Harmonica Ensemble contest and went on to represent the county in winning first place at the National Music Competition for Students.

     Thanks to the support of Yilan County, families and friends, children with no music backgrounds, people living in rural areas, they all still can have the opportunity to not only learn a musical instrument, but also gain experience performing onstage and appreciate art. Aiming to uphold their goal of giving students the freedom to develop their interests, the school puts in meticulous efforts to find qualified teachers who can provide solid training to ensure the continuance of excellent musical education for all future students.